Calendar for Gurukul Year 2024 - 2025

September 2024

  • 1
  • 8
  • 09/07 - New Teachers Systems Training
  • • All Languages - Teacher training and workshops
  • 15
  • • First Day of Gurukul
  • 22
  • • Gurukul Bothell Parent Orientation - Curriculum Day
  • • Parent Orientation (Odle)
  • 29
  • • Parent Orientation (Interlake)

October 2024

  • 6
  • 13
  • 20
  • • Culture Demo (Bothell-NCHS)
  • 27
  • • Culture Demo (Bellevue - IHS/OMS

November 2024

  • 3
  • • Culture Demo (OMS)
  • • Culture Demo (Maple Valley)
  • 10
  • 17
  • 24

December 2024

  • 1
  • • No Classes THANKSGIVING
  • 8
  • • Culture Demo
  • 15
  • 22
  • • No Classes @Gurukul - Winter Break
  • 29
  • • No Classes @Gurukul - Winter break

January 2025

  • 5
  • • IHS - Teachers Meeting and Bonding Lunch
  • 12
  • • Mid Term Evaluations
  • 19
  • 26
  • 01/25 - Standardized Test - Informational Meeting
  • • Gurukul Bazaar / Parent Teacher Conferences

February 2025

  • 2
  • 9
  • 16
  • • No Classes @Gurukul - Mid-Winter Break
  • 23

March 2025

  • 2
  • • New Parent Meeting - Townhall meeting
  • 9
  • • New Teacher Training
  • 16
  • • New Teacher Training Day-2
  • 23
  • • Gurukul Culture Demo - by Gurukul Parents Volunteers
  • • New Teacher Orientation and Interviews
  • 30

April 2025

  • 6
  • • No Classes Spring Break
  • 13
  • • IHS Level 4 - Katha Sangram ROUND-1
  • • IHS Level 3 - Vartanee ROUND-1
  • 20
  • • Bothell Annual Day - All Levels
  • • IHS Level 2 - Bujho to Jaane ROUND-1
  • • IHS Level 5 - Kahani Rachna ROUND-1
  • • IHS Annual Day - HINDI Level 3
  • 27
  • • IHS Annual Day - HINDI Level 5
  • • IHS Level 1-2 - Bujho to Jaane ROUND-1
  • • IHS Annual Day - HINDI Level 4

May 2025

  • 4
  • • Kannada Annual Day
  • • Bothell - Quiz Compettitions
  • 11
  • • IHS Annual Day - HINDI Level 2
  • • IHS Annual Day - HINDI Level KG
  • • IHS Annual Day - Hindi Level 1
  • • YB Annual Showcase
  • • IHS Annual Day - HINDI Level 1-2
  • 18
  • • Final Evaluations
  • • YB Annual Showcase
  • 25
  • • No Classes @Gurukul - Memorial Day Weekend

June 2025

  • 1
  • 8
  • 15
  • 22
  • 29

July 2025

  • 6
  • 13
  • 20
  • 27

August 2025

  • 3
  • 10
  • 17
  • 24
  • 31